Are you currently using DEA-222 forms? The DEA just released a new regulation updating the forms and it goes into effect October 30, 2019. How will this impact your current practice? What changes do you need to make to maintain compliance? Work with your consultant pharmacist to ensure a smooth transition.

The Updated DEA-222 Form is coming soon!

Are you currently using DEA-222 forms?  The DEA just released a new regulation updating the forms and it goes into effect October 30, 2019.  How will this impact your current practice?  What changes do you need to make to maintain compliance?  Work with your consultant pharmacist to ensure a smooth transition. 

Starting October 30, 2019, a new DEA regulation will go into effect changing the 222 forms to a single page and also expanding who can authorize Power of Attorney.  In this post, I’ll discuss some of the key points of the regulation as well as some action items to consider to minimize disruptions to your practice and to ensure mandatory compliance.

The new DEA-222 form will be a single page, which will eliminate the need for the triplicate form we are all so used to.  There is a two-year transition period and, in that time, the DEA will allow registrants to exhaust their current supply of the “old” forms.  The DEA will continue to preprint forms and they will be printed on “security paper”.

How will the process of using the new forms differ?  When ordering, you will send the original to the wholesaler and make a copy for your records.    If you currently use the Controlled Substance Ordering System (CSOS), you can continue to use it just the same as before, but I recommend ordering some new forms as a backup.  As always, remember to store 222 forms in a secure location.

What about the Power of Attorney (POA) changes?  The way the system currently works, the person who signed the most recent DEA application can execute POAs to allow others to sign DEA-222 forms on behalf of the registrant.  Starting October 30, 2019, the following individuals can issue a POA:

  1. The registrant if an individual
  2. A partner if the registrant is a partnership
  3. A Corporate Officer if the registrant is a corporation corporate division, association, trust.

This is an expansion on the number of individuals who can issue a POA.  If you do not have a POA or if you need help setting up a system to maintain compliance with controlled substances or DEA regulations, please contact us.

The Consultant Pharmacists at OctariusRx provide guidance on safe medication management, survey readiness and cost savings to ambulatory healthcare facilities/surgery centerssenior care facilities and pharmacies  We also help individual patients optimize their medications to improve their quality of life and save money. Contact us for assistance.

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