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Have questions about OctariusRx or Consultant Pharmacists?
Check out our new Frequently Asked Questions Page.
Are Expired Medications Still Good? As a consultant pharmacist, I get asked this question almost daily. Whether it’s from a patient at home, someone at a nursing facility or an ambulatory surgery center, we all encounter expired medications. Can you still use them? Should you replace them? How should you handle expired medications?
Happy Thanksgiving to all our team members, clients, vendors, and their families.
Thanksgiving is about friends, family and giving thanks. From our OctariusRx family to yours, thank you!
We hope you have a wonderful day celebrating all there is to be thankful for.
“I am grateful for what I am and have. My Thanksgiving is perpetual.” Henry David Thoreau
Happy Veterans Day to all who have served our country!
On this special day, let us pause and salute all the men and women who through tremendous sacrifice have served our great nation.
At OctariusRx, we give thanks every day, but especially today because we realize freedom isn’t free!
We owe our veterans and their families so much gratitude for all they have done and sacrificed for our country. We are the home of the free because of the brave.
With respect, honor, and gratitude, today and every day, Thank You Veterans!
November is National Diabetes Month and the OctariusRx team recognizes and supports efforts to educate and prevent diabetes and its associated complications. This is an epidemic and many of us are at risk without even knowing it. Others are living with diabetes and are completely unaware. It’s time to get educated about our own risks and how to help others.
Medication competency and your consultant pharmacist are two things that should go hand-in-hand. We all know that ongoing education and assessments are required to demonstrate staff competency and safe medication management is no exception. How are you assessing your staff? Can your consultant pharmacist help?
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the OctariusRx team is recognizing the annual campaign to increase awareness of this disease.
It’s Fall Prevention Awareness Week and the OctariusRx team is recognizing and helping to spread the word from the National Council on Aging (NCOA). Falls are not a natural part of aging and whether they happen at home or in health care facilities such as nursing homes or ambulatory surgery centers, the outcomes can be devastating.
Are you ready for the new Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) standards? The accreditation handbook has been updated with an expected implementation date of November 1, 2020. The new standards include more concise language, more consistency, less repetition and of course, new standards on current best practices and regulatory requirements. Is your facility fully compliant? Do you have a consultant pharmacist on your team to help you?
Look-alike-sound-alike risks with flu vaccine and insulin may not be something you normally consider, but the risk of patient harm is extremely high. Do you have a facility specific look-alike-sound-alike list? Is it updated annually and posted in areas of medication administration? As a consultant pharmacist, I have the following five suggestions for minimizing risks and increasing patient safety.