Tag: OH Consultant Pharmacist

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Get your new DEA-222 forms!

Get your new DEA-222 forms!

Get your new DEA-222 forms before October 30, 2021. The old DEA-222 form will no longer be used after this date. Don’t wait until the last minute to get yours. Delays could happen for a variety of reasons, leaving you without the ability to order certain controlled substances. If you haven’t already done so, act now to avoid alterations or interruptions in patient care.

What are the most commonly used insulins

What are the most commonly used insulins?

What are the most commonly used insulins? There are quite a few more insulins available today than there were just a few years ago. For patients, this means more options and more flexibility, but it also increases the risk of confusion and potential errors. How does your facility perform medication reconciliation? Would you recognize the newer insulin products? Do you know how long each one lasts? The answers to these questions will help you better manage blood sugar perioperatively.

What Does a Consultant Pharmacist do?

What Does a Consultant Pharmacist do?

What does a Consultant Pharmacist do? Consultant pharmacists provide expert advice on pharmaceutical services, patient safety, and drug therapy management. They are medication management specialists who work in a variety of settings like ambulatory surgery centers (ASC), senior care facilities (e.g., nursing homes, assisted living facilities) and with individual patients.

New Benchmarking Studies

New Benchmarking Studies

New benchmarking studies and metrics are now available for our clients. If you manage an ambulatory surgery center (ASC) or other ambulatory healthcare facility, benchmarking is probably a concern for your organization. Benchmarking is not just a requirement of accrediting agencies such as the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) and The Joint Commission (TJC): it’s a critical component of quality assessment and improvement.

Preview the New Medications of 2021

Preview the New Medications of 2021

Preview the new medications of 2021, as we reach the halfway point of the year. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is constantly reviewing and approving new medications and the number of medications approved in recent years, has drastically increased. Keeping up with all the changes can be a full-time job. In this post, we look at the most recent approvals to keep you informed and help you keep your patients safe.

Medication Management Deficiencies Commonly Cited in 2020

Medication Management Deficiencies Commonly Cited in 2020

Medication management deficiencies were among the most often cited elements during 2020 surveys. Do you have systems in place to ensure patient safety and regulatory compliance? How do you store medications? Do you know what to do with high-alert and look-like-sound-alike medications? How about hazardous medications? Who in your facility is responsible for keeping up with all the clinical and regulatory changes? In this post we discuss some of the areas to focus on and questions you will need to answer during your next certification or accreditation survey.