Medication safety education and competency testing is an expectation of certification and accreditation bodies. You may be providing education, but how are you assessing your nursing staff? Your consultant pharmacist is perfectly positioned to make this easy for you.
At least once yearly, we encourage our facilities to assess their nursing staff on medication competency. Earlier this year, we discussed medication safety for our ASC facilities. This time around, we focus on quizzing the nurses at our senior care facilities (i.e. Long-Term Care and Assisted Living). Our quizzes are designed to foster critical thinking and our ultimate goal is to teach, rather than trick. We address topics such as general medication knowledge, proper administration, calculations, hand and device sanitation, as well as antibiotic stewardship. If you already have a process in place, make sure it is updated annually to reflect current standards. If you don’t already have a competency exam or need help updating an older version, please contact us. As Consultant Pharmacists, we can help you.
The Consultant Pharmacists at OctariusRx provide guidance on safe medication management, survey readiness and cost savings to ambulatory healthcare facilities/surgery centers, senior care facilities and pharmacies We also help individual patients optimize their medications to improve their quality of life and save money. Contact us for assistance.