Tag: Senior Care Facilities

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How to prevent drug diversion

How to prevent drug diversion

How to prevent drug diversion is something I spend significant time thinking about and talking about with my facilities. The ongoing opioid epidemic, along with staffing shortages affecting all facilities has greatly increased the risk. Whenever I have an opportunity to speak on this topic, I make it a point to remind everyone to expect diversion and develop systems before it happens. Are you taking steps to protect your patients and reduce your liability?

How much does compliance cost?

How much does compliance cost?

How much compliance costs is tricky to calculate, but there are multiple examples of organizations who have paid millions of dollars in fines from regulatory agencies, and/or medical malpractice lawsuits. Of course, there are many other ways facilities lose money because of poor practices, lack of oversight and expertise. What are some steps you can take to make your patients safer and greatly reduce your liability and costs?