Preview the new medications of 2024, as we reach the halfway point of the year. In this post, we look at the most recent approvals to keep you informed and help you keep your patients safe.
Tag: RI Consultant Pharmacist
Does the DEA require electronic ordering of controlled substances?
This question has been asked quite a bit lately and the answer may surprise you. Does your facility have a process in place for ordering controlled substances? Do you need to change it?
Are you using ChatGPT for your medication questions?
Are you using ChatGPT for your medication questions?
Happy National Nurses Week!
Happy National Nurses Week to all our nursing colleagues, clients, friends, and family.
The Six Most Common Deficiencies in ASC Surveys
A majority of commonly cited deficiencies in recent surveys are directly related to medication management.
Drug Shortages Update: April 2024
This week we are once again providing an update on the most recent drug shortages.
Are FDA drug recalls important?
Are FDA drug recalls important? Do you need to take them seriously? If so, what steps should you take to ensure your patients are safe and your facility is maintaining regulatory compliance?