Our 2023 nursing calculations quiz is now available. In the coming weeks, our clients can assess and enhance their calculations skills by using our new quiz. Are you an expert at performing medication calculations or do you need practice? Take the quiz and find out!
Tag: Pharmacy Consultant
Our 2022 Nursing Calculations Quiz
Our 2022 nursing calculations quiz is now available. In the coming weeks, our clients can assess and enhance their calculation skills by using our new quiz. Are you an expert at performing medication calculations, or do you need practice? Take the quiz and find out!
What Does a Consultant Pharmacist do?
What does a Consultant Pharmacist do? Consultant pharmacists provide expert advice on pharmaceutical services, patient safety, and drug therapy management. They are medication management specialists who work in a variety of settings like ambulatory surgery centers (ASC), senior care facilities (e.g., nursing homes, assisted living facilities) and with individual patients.
Nursing Medication Calculations
Nursing medication calculations are a critical component of patient safety. Very few people enjoy medication calculations, but our patients rely on us to do them well each and every time. As we all know, the best way to improve at something is to practice it over and over again. In this post we discuss our most recent medication calculation quiz and how it can be used as a component to increase patient safety and enhance regulatory compliance.